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Develop Software with Our Tools!


This page is for people and companies who want to develop video games, using the tools provided by Plop Grizzly. If you are an indie developer or a company that needs the tools to get started (or someone starting to work at Plop Grizzly), then this is the place for you!

Development Tools


There are 5 things you have to install to program with our tools.

  1. Unix Terminal or Git Bash (Linux / Mac: Built-in, Windows: Comes with GIT)
  2. Git (Fedora: sudo dnf install git, Other Linux: sudo apt-get install git, Windows / Mac: Download - on Windows, be sure to check Checkout as-is, commit Unix-style line endings)
  3. Cargo (Comes with Rust)
  4. Rust / Cargo: enter in terminal: curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
  5. A Text Editor ( Unix: Gedit recommended - usually built-in, except on mac: brew install gedit - make sure tab width is set to 8, Windows: Notepad++ - make sure tab size is set to 8 under Settings -> Preferences -> Language )



  1. Learn Rust